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Furnace fundraiser

As winter began to set in, thankfully without vengeance, we began having some issues with our furnaces that are both around 27 years old.

There are two furnace units and two air units for our church.  Unit 2 (heats and cools rooms and office space) was able to be repaired for $406.00 to keep it up and running for a period of time.  Unit 1 (heats and cools sanctuary and common area) has bigger issues but we have been able to limp it along. It does need to be replaced.  This issue was discussed at our annual meeting and approved for the Leadership Team to move forward on fixing this issue.

The decision was made to use Complete Comfort located here in Lake Norden to replace unit 1. The furnace and air conditioning units totaled out to $12,305.12, this includes a $750 discount for replacing furnace and air units at the same time.  According to installer, unit 2 will possibly make it through the winter, but will need replacement also.

This brings us to the place of lifting up our needs to our Lord and covering these costs.  As the installer, Jordan Hurt, says "We have been blessed that these units have lasted this long."

The leadership Team is starting a fundraising campaign to try and cover these costs.  We will move to cover the costs of both units (approx. $25,000) but would like to try and cover unit 1 as soon as possible.

This would be a blessing and we could move forward on unit 2 if it decided to give us more issues.  If you would like to contribute or have questions for this fund-raising project, you can visit with any of the Leadership Team or give contributions to the church (noted furnace fundraiser).  Thank you for considering any gifts towards this need and please be raising this financial issue up in prayer.  The Lord has always blessed us richly and I have faith that He will show us His faithfulness once again.

God's Peace

Brad Drake, Church Chair

Blue Skies

Upcoming Fundraising Events

 3/31 Easter Breakfast 8-10 am                   5/18 BBQ Lunch 11:30-1:30

 5/12 Mother's Day Brunch 12-2                    Farmer's Market, Details TBA

 5/18 Rummage/Bake Sale 9-5

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